Home ~ February Free Choice

It is all very strange. 

I have lived here

My whole lifetime,

But still feel as though I were a guest.

I glance around

To find it all changing,



This is still my home.

I do not know who I am,


This body,

Its walls have kept me safe.

This soul,

Its love has given me comfort.


I am my home.

Whether or not I realize it every step of the way, 

Whether or not I feel content within this body, 

Deep inside, 

I know that this is where I belong.

This is where I shall return to 

Every time my heart breaks or my hands ache.

And at the end of the day when each soul has returned to its rightful owner

And love is only concealed,

No longer given,

That is when I will return to this space of comfort and warmth.

I will be on my own,

And on my own is exactly the way I want to be.

This is a small poem I wrote dedicated to myself and all the individuals who, at times, feel as though they don´t necessarily belong somewhere. At the beginning of my poem, I mentioned how I am finding everything around me as well as within me, constantly changing and moving around. This alone is a lot for someone to deal with and so I really wanted to voice it from a loving perspective. The outside world is cruel and everyone is bound to get hurt. It is who you turn to for reassurance when you feel broken, that truly matters. However, I believe that finding the same love and comfort within yourself is so special and yet so hard to attain and lose. Reminding yourself constantly that you are your home is really important but sadly not done by many people. So this poem is to those individuals who feel lost and alone. Your true companion, the one who will be there for at the end of the day to hold your hand and comfort you, is yourself. Realizing this will open pathways you never thought possible.


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