Dedicated To You ~ May Free Choice

And like the end of a torturous book, you flipped through the lifeless pages once more, closed it for the last time, and put it back on the top shelf, third from the left. You told yourself that by now, after reading the same book for the hundredth time, you’d have convinced yourself to forget … Continue reading Dedicated To You ~ May Free Choice

Non-Fiction – Ionian Philosophy: The Foundation of Ancient Greece

Ancient Greek Philosophy The Ancient Greeks had an inherit genius when it came to thinking, inventing, and philosophy, it was just in the nature of their culture. They did not inherit any of their ideas or discoveries from anyone or anywhere else. The impact of their discoveries and ideas on Western civilization cannot be ignored … Continue reading Non-Fiction – Ionian Philosophy: The Foundation of Ancient Greece

The Sharp Knife of Reality

What started off as a typical day ended off as a never-ending nightmare. It was like any other day in my life. Get up, get ready, eat, study, spend time with my family, sleep, and the cycle would start over. However, today wasn’t the same. I came outside to the yard to witness and feel … Continue reading The Sharp Knife of Reality

vincent in love (the severed ear series)

I’ve decided to expand this piece into a series, so here is one of the sections on his ear. It is based on Vincent’s many unrequited loves and his life as a mentally ill, and struggling artist. Arles, December 23rd, 1888 He barely felt it: as the blade shredded the skin between his skull and … Continue reading vincent in love (the severed ear series)